Friday, March 6, 2009

Last Week a Yellow Belt, This Week ORANGE!!

Lily has finally, finally decided that she is going to take tae kwon do seriously and is gaining the confidence she needs to continue. Being a former baseball mom (11 years of sitting on bleachers, thank you), I did not see the dedication in Lily for tae kwon do that I saw in her brother, Ian, for baseball. I kept pressuring Scott to let her try dance or gymnastics, or something else for gosh sakes, but the two of them kept schlepping off to the gym on Tuesday and Thursday nights. One night about a month ago there was an Epiphany. She was actually practicing her form in the kitchen and there was precision in her movements and she was using her voice! I was so excited to see that she was clicking with all that Master Chon had been teaching her for the past 8 months, that it motivated me to become a tae kwon do mom. Her orange belt test was the hardest I have ever seen her work and I was proud of how focused she was. For the students moving to the higher belt levels, Lily was transfixed watching their form and never spoke a word. I was more focused on Lily, as I realized she was finally "getting it". So here are a few pictures of Lily, with Master Chon and with some of her class last night, after they received their new belts.

As a side note, Master Chon and tae kwon do are Korean, so all of the language they use in class is Korean. She can count to 50 in Korean and knows all of her commands in Korean, as well, so I guess by the time she is finished, she'll have a mixed bag of languages in her repertoire - at this point, she probably knows more Korean than Mandarin!